Title: Internal Medicine clerkship
Location: Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby, PA
Dates: 2009-2010
Role: Clinical resident preceptor
Description: A clerkship for medical students in internal medicine
Time involved: 15 hours of preparation annually; 150 hours of implementation annually
Number of students: 10; MS 3-4
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Awarded ‘Transitional Resident of the Year’ for excellent teaching skills. Informal verbal feedback from students.
Title: Anesthesia 300 (Stanford anesthesia operating room clerkship)
Location: Stanford University School of Medicine
Dates: 2010-2014
Role: Clinical preceptor
Description: A clerkship for medical students in clinical anesthesiology
Time involved: 5 hours of preparation annually; 50 hours of implementation annually
Number of students: 5; MS 3-4
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Informal verbal feedback from students.
Title: Full OR simulation: Preview to anesthesia
Location: Stanford University School of Medicine
Dates: 2012-2014
Role: Course founder, co-director, and instructor
Description: A course designed to increase exposure to the field of anesthesiology for preclinical medical students
Time involved: 20 hours for development; 5 hours of preparation annually; 5 hours of instruction annually
Number of students: 20 annually; MS 1-3
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Presented findings via poster presentation at Post-Graduate Assembly meeting for anesthesiologists. Findings included a positive impact of the course on increasing exposure to the field of anesthesia to preclinical medical students.
Funding: $2,000 grant from Stanford Society of Physician Scholars
Title: Anesthesia 306 (Critical care clerkship)
Location: Stanford University School of Medicine
Dates: 2013-2014
Role: Simulation instructor
Description: Simulation activity during clerkship to teach pharmacology of commonly used vasoactive agents.
Time involved: 2 hours of implementation annually
Number of students: 5; MS 3-4
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Informal verbal feedback from students.
Title: Surgery 300A (Surgery core clerkship)
Location: Stanford University School of Medicine
Dates: 2013-2014
Role: Simulation instructor and lecturer
Description: A clerkship for medical students in general surgery
Time involved: 5 hours for development; 1 hour preparation annually; 2 hours instruction annually
Number of students: 12; MS 3-4
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Collection in progress.
Supplement: Video Lecture on Perioperative Pain Management
Title: Anesthesia 202 (Anesthesiology and pathophysiologic implications for the perioperative patient)
Location: Stanford University School of Medicine
Dates: 2013-2014
Role: Instructor
Description: Didactic and simulation-based education of basic airway management.
Time involved: 3 hours of implementation annually
Number of students: 35; MS 2
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Informal verbal feedback from students.
Title: Anesthesia Lunch & Learn
Location: Stanford University School of Medicine
Dates: 2013-2014
Role: Facilitator
Description: Facilitate discussion on topics presented by students
Time involved: 7 hours of implementation annually
Number of students: 20; MS 3,4
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Informal verbal feedback from students.
Title: Anesthesia 400C (Duke anesthesia operating room clerkship)
Location: Duke University School of Medicine
Dates: 2014-
Role: Clinical preceptor
Description: A clerkship for medical students in clinical anesthesiology
Time involved: 5 hours of preparation annually; 50 hours of implementation annually
Number of students: 10; MS 4
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Informal verbal feedback from students.
Title: Medical Student Maintenance of Clinical Acumen (MOCA)
Location: Duke University School of Medicine
Dates: 2015-
Role: Course co-founder, co-director, and instructor
Description: A simulation-based course designed to maintain clinical skills for third year medical students while away from direct patient care
Time involved: 5 hours for development; 0.5 hours of preparation annually; 4 hours of instruction annually
Number of students: 10 annually; MS 3
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Informal verbal feedback
Title: Anesthesia 205 Introduction to patient safety and crisis resource management
Location: Duke University School of Medicine
Dates: 2018-
Role: Lecturer
Time involved: 8 hours of preparation annually; 8 hours of implementation annually
Number of students: 160; MS 2
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Informal verbal feedback from students and course evaluation.
Title: Anesthesia 400 Problem-based Learning
Location: Duke University School of Medicine
Dates: 2018-
Role: Moderator
Time involved: 8 hours of preparation annually; 8 hours of implementation annually
Number of students: 15; MS 4
Evidence for teaching effectiveness: Informal verbal feedback from students and course evaluation.