Teaching activity report

I teach all types of health professionals in varying settings and am very grateful to be part of medical education. I have received funding to develop, test, and implement curricula at Stanford and Duke University. With support, I designed and implemented a curriculum named ImPRINT for anesthesia interns using a Flipped Classroom structure. The course combines an online classroom with in-person problem-based learning and simulation. I serve as a course-director for Anesthesia Crisis Resource Management (ACRM). ACRM has a 30 year history at Stanford and is now taught in many countries around the world. I expanded ACRM with grant support to teach an interprofessional audience. I was an active member of the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto's Patient Safety Center of Inquiry and served as an instructor for each different SimLEARN course. I am also the founder of a Twitter-based Anesthesiology journal club, #AnesJC, which has been incorporated into many leading anesthesiology journals and medical centers around the world. Please see below for a complete listing of my teaching activities and click the large buttons for more details, including learner assessments, funding, media and more. I invite you to contact me to share ideas, successes, and plans for collaboration. 

2011-2014 | ImPRINT | Co-Director | Stanford Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2011-2014 | ACRM | Instructor | Stanford Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2011-2014 | EVOLVE | Instructor | Stanford Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2012 | Airway Management | Instructor | Stanford Department of Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2013-2014 | Anesthesia Residency | Preceptor | Stanford Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2013-2014 | Newbie Course | Instructor | Stanford Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2013-2014 | Libero Lecture Series | Lecturer | Stanford Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2013-2014 | MCRM | Co-Director | Stanford Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2014 | Medical Education and Simulation Elective | Co-Director | Stanford Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA

2014- | CA-1 Orientation | Co-director, Instructor | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2014- | Anesthesia Residency | Preceptor | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2014- | Utilizing Social Media for Medical Education | Lecturer | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2015- | Twitter-augmented Journal Club Series | Co-founder, Moderator | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2015- | Residents as Teachers | Lecturer | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2015- | ACRM | Director | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2015- | Non-technical skills | Lecturer | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2015-2019 | Resident wellness, burnout, and mindfullness | Lecturer | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2015- | PGY-1 Orientation to Anesthesia Procedural Skills | Instructor | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2015-2020 | Creating and utilizing an educator portfolio | Lecturer | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2016-2021 | Teaching Scholar Program | Co-Director | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2019- | Practice Objective Structure Clinical Exam | Co-creator | Duke Department of Anesthesiology, Durham, NC

2012 | Simulation in Pediatric Anesthesia | Instructor | International Assembly in Pediatric Anesthesia, Washington DC

2012 | SimLIVE! | Instructor | American Society of Anesthesiologists, Washington DC

2012-2014 | Videography and Multimedia Essentials for Simulation and Medical Education | American Society of Anesthesiologists, Washington DC and San Francisco, CA

2013 | Perioperative Anesthesia | Grand Rounds Lecturer | Stanford University Department of Surgery, Stanford, CA

2013 | Instructor Workshop on Simulation | Co-Director | Pernambuco Society of Anesthesiologists, Recife, Brazil

2013 | Social Learning Theory | Lecturer | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

2013 | Effectiveness of Simulation-based Deliberate Practice on Learning a Subarachnoid Block | Lecturer | Duke University Department of Anesthesia, Durham, NC

2013 | Using Deliberate Practice to develop your Curriculum | Co-Director | Simulation Summit, Vancouver, Canada

2013 | Critical Theory, Postmodern and Feminist Perspectives | Lecturer | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

2013-2014 | Creating curricula using Mobile Simulation Technology | American Society of Anesthesiologists, Washington DC and San Francisco, CA

2014 | Using Portfoliios for Assessment | Lecturer | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

2014- | Crisis Management for the Regional Anesthesiologist | Faculty |American Society of Regional Anesthesiologists, Chicago, IL and New Orleans, LA

2014 | ACLS Instructor | St. George's University School of Medicine, Grenada, WI

2014 | Instructor Workshop on Simulation | Co-Director | Brazilian Society of Anesthesiologists, Recife, Brazil

2014 | Deliberate practice using simulation | Lecturer | Brazilian Society of Anesthesiologists, Recife, Brazil

2014 | Integrating simulation as part of your residency curriculum | Panel | Brazilian Society of Anesthesiologists, Recife, Brazil

2014- | Simulation Instructor Workshop | Co-Director | Duke University, Durham, NC

2015 | Hot topics in Simulation | Panelist | Society for Education in Anesthesia, Seattle, WA

2015 | IPE simulation-based CRM training for anesthesia and surgery residents | Instructor | Society for Education in Anesthesia, Seattle, WA

2015 | Is a masters education required to perform educational research | Panelist |American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Diego, CA

2015 | Simulation: Training and taming the three-headed beast | Lecturer | Duke - National University of Singapore, Singapore

2015 | Learning: What works best? | Lecturer | 3rd Duke - Singapore Conference, Singapore

2015 | Technical and non-technical skill training | Lecturer | 3rd Duke - Singapore Conference, Singapore

2016 | Simulation in anesthesia training: What's new? | Panelist |American Society of Regional Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, LA

2016 | Creating and utilizing an educator's portfolio | Faculty | 1st Stanford Innovations in Medical Education Conference, Stanford, CA

2016| Social media 'likes' healthcare, but is the reverse true? | Faculty | 18th Annual Duke Anesthesiology Conference, Durham, NC

2016 | Controversies in Perioperative education | Moderator | 18th Annual Duke Anesthesiology Conference, Durham, NC

2016 | Keep calm and carry on: Emergency management | Faculty | 18th Annual Duke Anesthesiology Conference, Durham, NC

2017 | Emergency and crisis resource management | Lecturer | Association of Women's Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses Conference, Raleigh, NC

2017 | An anesthesia educator's guide to July: How to start the year off with a bang! | Lecturer & Visiting Professor | New York Medical College Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, Valhalla, NY

2017 | An anesthesia educator's guide to effective teaching | Lecturer & Visiting Professor | Hospital for Special Surgery Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, New York, NY

2017 | Simulation: Training and taming the three-headed beast | Lecturer | Narayana Health, Kolkata, India

2018 | Anesthesia crisis resource management: Essentials for expertise | Faculty | 19th Annual Conference of Society of Anesthesiologists of Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

2018 | The role of implementation science in patient safety | Moderator and Panelist | International Anesthesia Research Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL